Population Study on Potential Infrastructure Projects concerning E45

Insights into public perception regarding the E45 highway expansion, aimed at clarifying the demographic travel profile in the area.


Silverlining Research has conducted a population survey for Billund Airport regarding the expansion of motorway E45 from 4 to 6 lanes, explicitly focusing on the section between Vejle and Randers.

The purpose has been to gain insight into the public’s perception of and support for the potential expansion, which is relevant for the infrastructure in Jutland and for Billund Airport.


Through a quantitative online population survey,  specific knowledge has been gained about preferences, motivations and expectations regarding the potential expansion of E45, the section between Vejle and Randers, which shed light on the general population’s knowledge of the potential expansion.


The project has drawn a picture of the differences in public perception, attitudes and attention regionally and a clear picture of the population’s demographic travel profile.
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Bjarke Bøgeskov

Project Director & Partner
Silverlining Research
E-mail: bb@silverliningresearch.com
Mobile: +45 4019 2060

Line Christensen

Senior Manager
Silverlining Research
E-mail: lc@silverliningresearch.com
Mobile: +45 2625 2113

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